Monday, November 22, 2010

Indahnya Perubahan Musim The Beauty of Changin' Season

Meski sudah diramal bakal ada salju turun hari Minggu kemaren, tetep aja turunnya salju selalu 'amazing'...selalu buat kejutan gitu!...ini photo photo yang sempat aku buat, dari Minggu sore dan Senin pagi ini. eeeh...ada juga photo beberapa minggu lalu ketika pohon masih ada daun daunnya, sekarang udah hampir semua 'gundul'..cuma ranting doang, kecuali jenis 'needle tree' misal pohon Pine, Cedar, sebangsa keluarga cemara gitu. Hawa sangat dingin, sudah mendekati O (nol) derajad...brrr...., daerah Seattle - Tacoma area dan hampir semua area Western Washington hujan salju, bikin yang lagi driving deg degan aja, karena jalanan jadi licin.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. he..he...hi 'RushLey'..thank you for visiting my blog, and I 'secretly' often visit your blog,your life in your campus is so colorful, remind me when I was in college back than in Solo. Am flatter that am a lucky woman,..thank you and Amen.
    I'm fine, and I hope you have a wonderful life finishing your college and wish you the best, especially your very wish to be back in the State. Keep the good work Ian and God Bless you!

  3. ahaha.. it's alright.
    amiiin. makasi tantee.
    tante, washington sama NY itu "life cost"-nya mahalan yang dikota mana???

  4. mahalan di NY, Ian, that's for sure!!..NY sama California banyak imigran Indo, and life cost mahal..!..


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