Saturday, September 25, 2010

Autumn in America - Musim Gugur di Amerika

Autumn atau kalo di Amerika lebih sering disebut 'Fall' sudah resmi dimulai tanggal 22 September. Seperti diketahui, North America (Canada, Amerika Serikat), sebagian Asia dan Eropa disebut Northern Hemisphere, sedangkan di Australia, Amerika Selatan dan Afrika bagian Selatan disebut Southern Hemisphere, contohnya di Australia musim gugur biasanya dimulai sekitar Tanggal 1 Maret dan berakhir 31 Mei. Sedangkan di Amerika Serikat dimulai sekitar tanggal 22 September dan berakhir 21 December.
Salah satu tanda dimulai-nya Fall adalah daun daunan yang berubah warna, angin mulai sering, dan jumlah jam di siang hari sama dengan di malam hari, sedang nantinya menjelang Winter, lama kelamaan siang hari lebih pendek daripada malam hari.
Semenjak tinggal di Amerika Serikat, Fall adalah musim yang paling aku sukai, dunno why?, mungkin karena aku lahir di bulan Oktober, atau karena memang pemandangan jadi sangat indah, very beautiful, daun daunan, terutama daun dari pohon maple yang mengelilingi komplek apartment dimana aku dan keluargaku tinggal, lama kelamaan berubah warna yang semula hijau, menjadi kuning kecoklatan, ada juga yang merah tua, bayangin jika jutaan daun itu kemudian jatuh atau gugur dan melayang layang jatuh ke tanah, terus jadi tumpukan, padahal kalo dipikir pikir ya namanya 'sampah' tapi sebelum semua daun itu dibersihkan di blower sama tukang blower langganan apartment, kelihatan indah dan asri, makanya photo photo yang dibuat pas musim gugur, biasanya sangat romantis, berkesan hangat, kecoklatan, padahal sebenarnya hawa dingin mulai menggigit.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Water Tower of Moses Lake

The Picture of Water Tower in the city of Moses Lake, North Central Washington State, USA
Menara Air di kota Moses Lake, di Negara bagian Washington, Amerika Serikat

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Eid ul Fitr Prayer at Islamic Cultural Center, California

Sat 11 Sep 2010 Eid ul Fitr Prayer at Islamic Cultural Center - Oakland, California

Saturday 11 September 2010 9:30 a.m. Eid ul Fitr Prayer and lecture by Dr. Hamid Mavani (English).

Dr. Hamid Mavani is Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at Claremont Graduate University, School of Religion. He obtained his academic graduate degrees from McGill University and received theological training from the traditional seminaries in the Muslim world. His primary fields of interest include Islamic legal reform, women and Shi'i law, Shi'i theology and political thought, Muslims in America, Qur'anic studies, intra-Muslim discourse and contemporary developments in the Muslim world. He has published articles in some of these fields and has been working on a book project dealing with authority and leadership in Twelver Shi’ism. His most recent article is titled “Paradigm Shift in Twelver Shi’i Legal Theory: Ayatullah Yusef Saanei.” Dr. Mavani’s scholarship also includes translations of Islamic texts from Arabic and Persian into English.
Cost: Free, donations gratefully accepted
Location: Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California, 1433 Madison St., Oakland, California 94612
posted by indomama2010,source meetup

Grand Coulee Dam

End of August 2010, I had a chance to visit Grand Coulee Dam in Washington State,...seeing the big Dam is always exciting for me, because I've ever had a chance to work in Power Plant Project, in Kedung Ombo Dam, Central Java, Indonesia during 1991-1993 which was built by Indonesian-France joint company. The France companies were Cegelec and Alstom Neyrpic, I heard they're famous contractors in France. Sometimes it's hard to believe that man and the technology were able to build the huge Dam, especially for me who doesn't have engineer or science background school, it's always thrill to see the big building and I felt like I am a 'liliput' entering the giant land.

Grand Coulee Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam on the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington. It is the largest electric power-producing facility[4] and the largest concrete structure in the United States.[5] It is the fifth largest producer of hydroelectricity in the world, as of the year 2008.


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