Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Kula Nuwun,
Sugeng Rawuh ing kutha Surakarta Hadiningrat,

for English version read below
Posted by 'Loyalia' (mom of two little girls, Central Java, Indonesia)

Kata sambutan hangat yang menyambut para undangan yang terdiri dari bapak Walikota Solo dan para pejabat Negara serta tamu undangan dari beberapa Negara Asia memenuhi arena pertunjukan seolah kita dibawa pada jaman Kerajaan Majapahit dan Mataram. Dengan busana adat Jawa lengkap dengan beskap, blangkon dan selop. Tidak lupa para pagar ayu berdandan cantik lengkap dengan busana adat Jawa dengan kemben batik sabuk wala yang tidak kalah menariknya ikut berbaris rapi dengan lemah gemulai tangan dan jari mereka seakan mengundang para tamu saling berdecak kagum.

Sejak diakuinya Batik sebagai warisan leluhur bangsa Indonesia oleh PBB (Persatuan Bangsa Bangsa), kini kota Solo selalu berusaha untuk mempercantik diri dengan diadakannya pembangunan di segala sektor baik pendidikan, tempat wisata dan seni budaya tradisional. Kota Solo sering dipakai sebagai tempat untuk penyelenggaraan beberapa event Nasional maupun Internasional yang bernuansa batik dan tradisional.

SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL diadakan setiap setahun sekali yang diikuti oleh anak anak, remaja hingga dewasa. Mereka berjalan dari Jl. Slamet Riyadi menuju Ngarsopura atau depan Kraton Mangkunegaran (depan SMP 5 Solo) diiringi dengan musik perkusi yang dimainkan oleh para mahasiswa ISI Solo (Institut Seni Indonesia) dengan memakai busana tradisional dan ada beberapa pagar ayu berbusana batik cantik lengkap dengan make up dan sanggulnya. Total peserta Batik Solo Carnival ada 360 orang, umur peserta paling dewasa 55 tahun sampai peserta paling muda 3 tahun. Divided into 2 groups : Adult 260 people and kids 100 people.

Setiap tahun SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL mempunyai tema unik tersendiri yang mampu memukau setiap orang yang melihatnya sehingga mampu menepis rasa kebosanan warga Solo dan sekitarnya dan memberikan nuansa baru di kota Solo.

SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL 3 diadakan tahun 2010 yang ber tema SEKAR JAGAT

Sekar Jagat sendiri mempunyai beberapa kategori yaitu flora dan fauna.
Flora mempunyai beberapa karakter warna : Merah, Hijau, Kuning, Putih dan Ungu
Fauna mempunyai bebarapa karakter : Merak, Kupu, Kumbang, Rusa dll.

Dari perkembangannya SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL telah melampaui beberapa event Internasional diantaranya event Parade Chingay Singapore dan event yang berada di Belanda.
Para model Solo Batik Carnival sekaligus designer saling mengapresiasikan karya spektakuler mereka dari ber make up, menyanggul rambut sendiri dan memakai kostum sendiri sehingga mereka dituntut kemandiriannya.
Melalui audisi dan tes pemilihan para peserta di pilih untuk mewakili Solo dan Indonesia pada umumnya sampai pada kancah Internasional lainnya.
Nuansa tradisional dikemas dan digabung secara apik dengan nuansa modern sehingga melahirkan hasil maha karya yang spektakuler yang dapat membius setiap orang yang melihatnya.
Setiap peserta diberikan waktu untuk berkreasi dan berkarya dengan berbagai kostum yang unik yang berdasar pada motif batik. Ada beberapa macam batik diantaranya batik sogo (batik yang bernuansa coklat alami), batik lurik, batik kawung dll.
Dari pembuatan dasar mahkota atau topi setiap peserta harus mengkonsultasikan dengan para koreografer sehingga dapat menyesuaikan dengan busana yang akan dikenakannya. Ada beberapa busana yang dapat diapresiasikan dengan motif batik diantaranya kostum flora yang terdapat ada beberapa macam warna yaitu merah, kuning, biru, putih dan ungu. Sedangkan kostum fauna para peserta mengapresiasikannya dalam bentuk merak, kupu, harimau, kuda laut dll.
Dari perkembangannya tradisional batik dapat dikombinasikan dengan nuansa modern sehingga batik sendiri tidak hanya dapat dipakai oleh kaum kerajaan (kaum ningrat/abdi dalem) tetapi kini bisa dipakai oleh seluruh bangsa Indonesia bahkan sampe ke luar negeri.
SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL I diadakan tahun 2008 yang betema WAYANG

SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL II diadakan tahun 2009 yang bertema TOPENG

Beberapa event Internasional yang lain yang telah diselenggarakan di kota Solo:
- SIPA (Solo International Performing Arts)
SIPA 2009 adalah jawaban dari penyatuan semangat antar seni pertunjukan tersebut. Sebuah event berskala Internasional yang di antaranya akan menyatukan semangat masyarakat pendukung seni pertunjukan untuk kemudian bersama membumikan Kota Solo sebagai Kota Budaya.

- The 3rd Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urband Development (APMCHUD) di Solo pada (22 Juni 2010 - 24 Juni 2010)

- SIEM 2010, Solo International Contemporary Ethnic Music, 7-11 Juli 2010 di Monumen PON I Sriwedari.

Inggih menika serat kula saking Surakarta Hadiningrat Central Java Indonesia, mbokbilih wonten kalepatan kula nyuwun pangapunten. Menawi wonten saderek ingkang ngersaaken tindak ing Solo, monggo kula aturi lajeng kemawon...there are a lot of interesting places you can see in Solo, joint with us...Matur Nuwun...will continue next time from Solo,Central Java, Indonesia.
Posted by 'Loyalia' (mom of two little girls, Central Java, Indonesia)
Greetings and Welcome to Surakarta Hadiningrat,
Warm word of welcome that greeted the invitation of the Mayor of Solo City and the Government officials and invited guests from several Asian Countries meet the performance arena as if we brought the era of the Kingdom of Majapahit and Mataram (The ancient Kingdoms of Java Island). With the traditional Javanese outfit called beskap, blangkon and selop. Not forgetting the Pagar Ayu (some girls lined up to greet the guests) dressed up with traditional Javanese custom called Kemben Batik Sabuk Wala, that's not less interesting part neatly lined with graceful hands and fingers as if they invite guests chuckle mutual admiration.
Since the recognition Batik as national heritage of Indonesia by UN (United Nation), the present city of Solo always trying to beautify themselves by performing a good development in all sectors of education, tourist attractions and traditional cultural arts. Solo City often used as a place for the implementation of several National and International events are nuanced with batik and anything traditional.
SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL held every once a year, participated by childrens, teenagers to adults. They walked from Slamet Riyadi Street toward the front of Ngarsopura or Mangkunegaran Palace (infront of Junior High Public School 5 Solo) accompanied with percussion music played by students of Solo ISI (Solo Institute of Art) by wearing traditional dress and there was some Pagar Ayu dressed up with beautiful batik dress complete with make up and the hair bun. Total participants of Batik Solo Carnival there are 360 people, the most adult participants age 55 years old until the youngest participant was 3 years old. Divided into two groups. Adult 260 persons and 100 kids.
Every year SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL have its own unique theme that is able to amaze everyone who saw it so as to ward off a sense of boredom Solo and the surrounding residents and giving new nuances in the City of Solo.
SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL 3, 2010 which was the theme of Sekar Jagad, (World Flower), Sekar Jagad itself has many categories such as Flora and Fauna. Flora has a few characters of color: Red, Green, Yellow, White and Purple, Fauna has some characters such as :Peacock, Butterfly, Bee and Deer.
The SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL's development has exceeded several international events including the Singapore Chingay Parade event and the event was located in Netherlands.
The models of Solo Batik Carnival and the fashion designers as well appreciate the spectacular works from their make up, do the hair-do bay themself and wear their own costumes, so they demanded independence.
Through audition and selection tests in the selected participants to represent the Solo and Indonesia in general arrive at other international arena. The traditional nuance packaged nicely with modern nuance that created masterpieces of the spectacular results that can anesthetize everyone who saw it.
Each participant is given time to be creative and work with a variety of unique costumes are based on the motives of batik. There are several types of batik including batik Sogo with brown background, batik Lurik, batik Kawung etc.
From making a crown or cap basis, each participant must consult with the coreographer so that they can customize with the clothing that will wear. There are some clothes with batik motifs such as floral with several kinds of colors: red, yellow, blue, white and purple. While for the fauna, the participants applied the costumes in the form of peacocks, butterflies, tigers, seahorses etc.
From the development of traditional batik, can be combines with modern nuances that batik can be worn not only by the royalty (nobility/servants in the palace) but can now be used by all the Indonesian and people who aren't Indonesian.
SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL first held in 2008 with the theme of PUPPET
SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL 2, was held in 2009 whose theme MASK
Several other International events that have been held in Solo were:
-SIPA : Solo International Performing Arts, in 2009 was the answer from the spirit of unification between the performing arts. An International-scale event that will unite the spirit of the people and the supporter of performing arts to the community to state Solo as a Cultural City.
-The 3rd Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development (APMCHUD) in Solo on June 22nd-June 24th 2010)
-SIEM 2010, Solo International Contemporary Ethnic Music, July 7-11, 2010 in Monumen PON I, Sriwedari.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nice job Ms. Loyalia!, keep the good work (from 3lotus)

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