Ini photo one of my best friend, Ms. Yayuk waktu mengunjungi Food Exhibition di kota Paris. Tempat ekspo-nya namanya CITE DES SCIENCES ET DE L''INDUSTRIE yang letaknya di 30 Avenue Corentin Cariou,75019 PARIS. (Semacam Museum untuk Sains dan Industri).
Eksibisi berlangsung dari tanggal 2 Februari 2010 sampai 2 Januari 2011, jadi udah berlalu. Meskipun semua orang bisa mengunjungi eksibisi ini tapi terutama ditujukan untuk anak anak berusia 9-14 tahun. Fokus dari expo ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa sehat konsumsi makanan sehari hari. Ada banyak booth (stand) makanan,salah satunya ya photo diatas adalah cheese booth, yang menampilkan bermacam macam keju dari susu kambing. Dua dinding dipenuhi macam macam susu, yogurt, keju atau margarine lalu diantara dinding itu ditempatkan meja meja yang dilubangi sedemikian rupa sehingga kepala kita bisa masuk dalam lubang tersebut,..I still can't imagine how this things's really fun!.
Food Exhibiton in Paris, there are many food booths, one of the booth is shown in a picture above, it's cheese booth, which displays various kinds of cheese from goat's milk. Two walls filled with varieties kind of milk, cheese, yogurt and margarine and there's table placed between the walls, the unique hole in the table made our head can get through the hole,...I still can't imagine how this things's really fun!.
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poster expo makanan The Food Exibition Expo Poster |
Exhibition co-produced with the Leonardo da Vinci Science and Technology Museum (Italy), the Huereka Science Centre (Finland) and the Technopolis Museum (Belgium). The Exhibition was from February 2nd, 2010 until January 2nd, 2011 so it's past!. It took place in CITE DES SCIENCES ET DE L''INDUSTRIE at 30 Avenue Corentin Cariou,75019 PARIS. You can visit their website here
This is one of the promotion words of this Exhibition:
Eating is one of our major preoccupations as human beings and naturally so. Barely out of the womb, newborn infants clamour for the breast or bottle. They discover the taste of fats and their first flavour, sweetness. But, once they reach adolescence, will these almost independent eaters still be capable of finding their way across the food landscape? Do they know why and what they are eating? Are they able to discover the happiness and health on the dinner plate.
(Thanks to Ms. Yayuk for the picture, she's Indonesian mom to lovely 8 years old little girl, Denise, they live in Heerlen, Limburg, Netherland).
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