Friday, March 25, 2011

Hazelnut In Canada

display of hazelnut in 'Canadian Hazelnut' Agassiz

Kalo pas 'ngopi' dengan aroma 'hazelnut' kadang penasaran kayak apa sich the real hazelnut itu?..bentuknya kayak apa, pohonnya kayak apa?..maklum dech, aku khan dari Indonesia, di Indo adanya kacang biasa atau disini disebut peanut, sedangkan hazelnut bisa digolongkan keluarga 'nut' juga. Pas ada kesempatan pergi ke Propinsi British Columbia, Canada, tepatnya di daerah namanya Agassiz dan Harrison..naach nemu dech yang namanya 'hazelnut'..sayang-nya Minggu kemaren itu pas akhir Winter dan awal Spring jadi pohon hazelnut masih belum bangun dari hybernation, masih pada kering semua kayak pohon mati, jadinya aku nggak motret. Tapi lumayan puas juga, ternyata dari hazelnut ini bisa dihasilkan hazelnut butter, hazelnut soap (lagi lagi kelupaan dech motret sabun hazelnut ini..). Hazelnut butter rasanya rich banget, gurih banget dan tidak semanis peanut butter.

A hazelnut is a small brown oval or round nut about 2cm in diameter. The edible part of the nut is the seed.
Nut farms are located in the eastern Fraser Valley, mainly around Chilliwack and Agassiz. However, wild hazelnuts, which are much smaller than the domestic varieties, can be found growing throughout most of BC.
hazelnut adalah oval coklat kecil atau kacang bulat berdiameter sekitar 2 cm. Bagian yang dapat dimakan dari kacang adalah benih.

Perkebunan Nut ini terletak di Lembah Fraser timur, terutama di sekitar Chilliwack dan Agassiz. Namun, hazelnut liar, yang jauh lebih kecil daripada varietas dalam negeri, dapat ditemukan tumbuh di hampir seluruh B.C (British Columbia).
hazelnut shop at Harrison Hot Spring, B.C, Canada
Hazelnuts are the only nut crop produced commercially in BC, but other nuts like walnuts and sweet chestnuts can be grown in the milder southern parts of BC. We produce about 330,000 kg of hazelnuts annually off about 330 hectares. Production is expected to increase annually over the next decade as the newer plantings came into full production.

Hazelnut adalah satu satunya tanaman kacang yang dihasilkan secara komersial di BC, tetapi kacang-kacangan lain seperti kenari dan chestnut manis dapat tumbuh di bagian selatan BC. Kami memproduksi sekitar 330.000 kg per tahun hazelnut dari sekitar 330 hektar. Produksi diperkirakan akan meningkat setiap tahunnya selama dekade berikutnya karena tanaman baru.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rumah Aceh

photo courtesy by Rania Moda

The Rumah Aceh or Acehnese (traditional) house is a style of architecture formerly common in Aceh.
In Acehnese tradition, the house is oriented North-South. It has been suggested that this is a pre-Islamic Hindu practice, to avoid facing the setting sun and death.Acehnese now interpret that the gable of their houses face Mecca (west).

photo courtesy by Rania Moda
infront of Rumah Aceh.

The Acehnese traditional house is built on stilts, providing shelter for people working or walking underneath it. Family heirlooms are stored in the roof of the house, considered the most sacred part of the building. The house is divided into a front and back, plus a middle section, slightly elevated above the front and back. The middle section contains the bedroom and storage space, the front is where guests and special meals are served, and the back section, containing the kitchen, is where children sleep and where women meet their female guests. In some Rumah Aceh, there are female stairs to the back section in addition to the main stairs at the front of the house. (by Wilkipedia) and thanks to Ms Rania Moda for the pictures, she recently visited Province of Aceh, part of North Sumatra which struck by Indian Ocean  Earthquake and Tsunami in December, 2004.

Friday, March 11, 2011

..A Little Bit of Mexico

map courtesy by lonelyplanet

the hotel room is not that 'fancy' just decend

a view infront of Hotel Faro, Mazatlan
when I was there in March, 2007


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