Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Autumn is back, musim gugur datang lagi nich, seneng liat pohon pohon, terutama pohon maple, yang daun daun-nya berubah warna, dari hijau, jadi kuning, ada yang merah, ada yang kecoklatan dan oranye....
Love the color of maple leaves...

Monday, September 19, 2011


Thank You God, I have the opportunity to visit Alaska, The biggest State in the United States...the view is so breathtaking, wonderful, awesome....

Glacier Bay, Alaska


Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Kota Solo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia terlihat lebih berbeda dari hari-hari sebelumnya banyak hiasan dan panggung sudah di pasang di sepanjang jalan utama Jl.Slamet Riyadi.Nuansa etnik dengan beraneka hiasan lampu ting dan gerabah serta bambu,gamelan sudah dipasang digabung dengan nuansa modern kursi, sound system,mobil...
Solo, Central Java, Indonesia looked more different from the previous days it had a lot of decoration and stage in pairs along the main street of Jl.Slamet Riyadi.Nuansa, the ethnic nuance with hang lamps and pottery decoration lamps and bamboos,  gamelan (traditional Javanese music) already installed combined with the modern feel of the chair , sound system, cars ...
Solo Batik Carnival IV diadakan pada malam hari tidak seperti taon lalu yang diadakan pada sore hari. Hotel-hotel yang berada di Solo juga berlomba dengan paket hemat menyambut Solo Batik Carnival....
Solo Batik Carnival IV held in the evening, it wasn't like last year, then in the afternoon. Hotels in Solo is also competing with saving package welcomed the Solo Batik Carnival ....

Tahun ini 2011 bulan Juli 25 , bertemakan " Amazing Legend " yang bernuansa emas penuh dengan keagungan dan kemewahan yang diikuti oleh 600 peserta.
* Legenda ande-ande lumut : diikuti oleh anak-anak dengan kostum :kleting merah,kleting hijau,kleting
   kuning dan yuyu kangkangnya (kepiting merah).

* Legenda Roro jongrang : diikuti oleh orang dewasa yang menggunakan kostum raja,peri dan buto.

* Legenda Kencana Ungu : diikuti oleh orang dewasa yang menggunakan kostum unggu.

* Legenda Ratu Pantai Selatan : diikuti oleh orang dewasa yang menggunakan kostum hijau...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Northwest Trek, Washington

This is like 'Safari' where you see the wild animals through the Tram,....located just 45 minutes to the East  from Tacoma. It's not like in Africa of course, because all the wild animals are original from here based on the weather where they live.
The Tram depart every one hour from the
Tram station inside the Park

The road on the way to the NorthwestTrek
Wildlife Park

Buying ticket in here and Souvenir Shop

my daughter infront of 'brown bear'..

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Clamp Strip

Tau tau udah akhir bulan Juni nich, enaknya posting soal makanan aja yach,....ini photo Clamp Strip, makanan yang aku pesan di Seafood Resto namanya Steamer, di tepi Titlow Beach, Tacoma, kita sekeluarga sering kesitu dech. Jenis resto-nya semacam fast food seafood gitu, kita order, bayar, trus nyari seat trus nunggu dech, sampe makanan diantar sama mbak waitress nya...Enjoy the food..eeh the picture dech!...

It's end of June, ...I think it's a good idea to see this yummy picture of Clamp Strip that I ordered from local fast food Seafood restaurant in Titlow Beach, Tacoma, Washington. Me and my family often go there, hang out enjoy the breeze from the Bay...enjoy the picture...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Solstice

Tanggal 22 Juni kemaren resmi dimulai-nya Summer atau Musim Panas di negara negara Northern Hemisphere (benua Amerika bagian Utara dan Eropa), di Amerika Serikat sendiri temperature mulai menghangat bahkan ketika masih Spring (musim Semi) terutama di states bagian Selatan. Dampak dari Summer ini sudah terjadi antara laen kebakaran hebat di Arizona.
The summer solstice occurs exactly when the Earth's semi-axis in a given hemisphere is most inclined towards the sun, at its maximum tilt of 23° 26'. Though the summer solstice is an instant in time, the term is also colloquially used like Midsummer to refer to the day on which it occurs. Except in the polar regions (where daylight is continuous for many months), the day on which the summer solstice occurs is the day of the year with the longest period of daylight. The summer solstice occurs in June in the Northern Hemisphere north of the Tropic of Cancer (23°26'N) and in December in the Southern Hemisphere south of the Tropic of Capricorn (23°26'S). The Sun reaches its highest position in the sky on the day of the summer solstice. However, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, the highest sun position does not occur at the summer solstice, since the sun reaches the zenith here and it does so at different times of the year depending on the latitude of the observer.[1] Depending on the shift of the calendar, the summer solstice occurs some time between December 21 and December 22 each year in the Southern Hemisphere, and between June 20 and June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere.[2] (Wilkipedia)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Late Blooming

Because of the 'weird' weather, the rhododendron is late to bloom, I remember I had a picture being in the Rhodi Garden in May 2008, and it's warm and all the flowers bloom nicely, these pictures taken on June 3rd and even some still in buds form.....

Monday, May 30, 2011

Car Free Day in Solo-Central Java

These are some pictures of 1st anniversary Car Free Day (CFD) in my hometown, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. CFD is a program created by City Government of Solo. They closed the main street (known as Jalan Slamet Riyadi) every Sunday for car or motorcycle hope to reduce gas emision.
People were wearing Batik (the traditional clothes of Indonesia) to celebrate the anniversary.

The official house of the Major of Solo City
called 'Loji Gandrung'

All the photos courtesy by Ms Scolastika Dhanudharma, mom of
two boys lives in Solo City.

Friday, May 27, 2011


So sad with the news lately about the tornado blast in Midwest of USA,...hope it will over soon...

photo courtesy of 'todayshow' NBC

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chambers Bay Golf Course

Chambers Bay Golf Course
in University Place, Pierce County, Washington
will be the place for 2015 US Open

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ground Zero

kerumunan orang di Broadway New York
berusaha melihat Presiden Obama
The crowd ghater on Brodway to catch a glimpse
of Obama
(photo courtesy of Detroit Free Press)

Berita akhir akhir ini di TV sungguh berwarna warni, setelah serangan tornado di negara-negara bagian di Midwest, dilanjut semaraknya perkawinan agung Kerajaan Inggris, setelah itu tiba tiba berita tentang Osama Bin Laden yang tau tau udah dikubur di dasar laut. Banyak orang seperti dibangunkan lagi dari kenangan buruk serangan di gedung kembar World Trade Center hampir sepuluh tahun yang lalu (9 September 2001).
Siapapun yang melakukan kejahatan apakah itu disebut teroris atau bukan, semoga yang masih hidup disadarkan olehNya, ...hiduplah dengan damai..!...
The news recently on TV were colorful, after the tornado blast in midwest then the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton and suddenly we're surprised by the death of Osama Bin Laden. And suddenly people awake again and remember those who died in 9/11 attack. Hope there will be no such horrific attack again and may all 'bad' people in this world realize that there plenty 'nice' things to do other than 'killing' three thousands people.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Quiet Time

a peacok, having a quiet time
in a bench at Point Defiance Zoo, Tacoma, Washington.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sumatran Tiger

The Sumatran Tiger Family at
Point Defiance Park Zoo & Aquarium, Tacoma
mama: Bali, kids: Mali and Bima

Friday, April 8, 2011

British Columbia

I don't remember where this map courtesy from. sorry

I will not talk alot about British Columbia, because I had written in my other blog with the title O, Canada, sorry it's in 'Indonesian' only.
For sure, B.C is one of the many provinces in Canada, which is it happend so close to Washington State, USA where I live in Tacoma. It's only about 3 hours driving to Canadian Border. Me, my hubby and my daughter had fun to stay in the resort in B.C called 'Harrison Hot Spring Resort & Spa'...this was our second visit there!. The idea to soak ourselves in the mineral hot spring, really what we want in our spare time. Just thinking about that already made my brain into relax mode.
So, eventhough the title of the blog is 'British Columbia' but I took some of pictures more about Harrison Hot Spring. If you curious about this location please click here, it'll bring you to their officially website.
Some things that I found in my second visit that I wasn't aware when I cam there for the 1st time was, the different between United States and Canada in my version, such as when we bought tortilla chips, the bag of the chips with English and French title and explanation, but in US mostly with English and Spanish. The traffic signs in Canada using 'Metric' version which is in 'KM (kilometer) instead of 'MILE"...and the weather man or lady on local tivi, in Canada they use 'Celcius' instead of 'Fahrenheit'..which is remind me of 'Indonesia' my origin country.
With all the differences, is always fun to spend time with family in other country, there are many things I can tell to my daughter, eventhough she's not understand yet. Anyway British Columbia is such a beautiful place. We'd love to go there again.

our hotel room in Harrison

yo won't find any of commercial board along
the road in US, now it's againts the law, but we
still can find this in Canada.

Harrison Hot Spring is only 90 minutes
from downtown Vancouver city

my daughter, try ou the phone
which I unplugged already..ha..ha

me and my daughter with
Mr. Big Bear in the lobby hotel

my daughter in family pool

The Harrison Resort infront of Lake Harrison


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