Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow Storm - Badai Salju di Pantai Timur Amerika Serikat

Snow in Washington D.C
photo courtesy the washington post.
 The East coast has been blasted with a lot of snow storms since the blizzard hit on December 26. This harsh winter will probably go down as one of the coldest and snowiest for the history books. Some people love the snow and others are sick of winter already. And it looks like a snowy weekend is ahead for the North East too.(Saturday January 29th, 2011)
Badai Salju di Pantai Timur Amerika belum berakhir, dimulai sejak tanggal 26 Desember kemaren. Musim Dingin di Pantai Timur kali ini mungkin menjadi yang terdingin dan snowiest dalam sejarah.
Get Ready for More Snow on East Coast
Another storm is approaching the East coast, notes the Huffington Post. Get ready to get the snow shovel out again. Will this just be a regular snow storm or will it be thunder snow like many areas experienced in the last storm? It is a bit eerie when it is snowing heavily and then thunder and lightning start too.
Di Pantai Barat, Amerika Serikat, terutama di Northwest tempat aku tinggal, lumayan 'hangat', paling hujan rintik rintik yang malah membuat temperature jadi lebih hangat, sekitar 50 F (10 C) sehari hari, pagi hari sekitar 37-39F (sekitar 2-3 C)..tidak ada salju sama sekali akhir akhir ini.
Tiap pagi kalo 'sempat' nonton tipi nich!..eeh sambil 'nyeruput'  my hazelnut coffee..berita pertama selalu 'snow storm' ini, di beberapa negara bagian di Pantai Timur seperti Washington D.C, New York, New Jersey dan Massachusset, sudah banyak menghabiskan biaya dari budget yang dicadangkan untuk 'membersihkan' salju terutama di jalan jalan utama.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Benefit Of Fish Oil - Minyak Ikan Untuk Kesehatan

Fish oil contains the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which may help reduce your breast cancer risk, slow the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques, and lower your risk of heart attack. Look for fish oil supplements that contain at least 600 milligrams of DHA.

Minyak ikan berisi lemak asam omega-3  DHA dan EPA, bisa menolong mengurangi risiko kanker payudara anda, memperlambat terbentuknya atherosclerotic plak, dan merendahkan risiko anda terkena serangan jantung. Cari suplemen minyak ikan yang berisi sedikitnya 600 miligram DHA.

DHA : Docosahexaenoic Acid
EPA  : Elcosapentaenoic Acid
(Source:Dr.Mehmet Oz, from the Oprah Mag.)

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Trip To Baduy

Lovingly posted by Rania Moda, mom to two boys, Dian and Alvin.
Sudah lama aku memendam keinginanku untuk mengunjungi Kampung Baduy. Suku Baduy adalah suatu komunitas penduduk yang tinggal di pedalaman Banten yang masih mempertahankan adat istiadatnya sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu. Mereka hidup hanya bergantung kepada Alam sepenuhnya, tidak menggunakan alat alat modern untuk mempermudah kehidupan. Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba....di Milis tiba tiba ada anggota yang nulis capernya (Catatan Perjalanan) ke Baduy. Langsung deh...japri ke penulis....n nanya....kapan nih ke Baduy lagi...aku gabung yaa......(sok akrab....padahal belum kenal...hehehehehe). Singkat cerita....akhirnya tiba juga saatnya kita pergi ke Baduy, ada sekitar 20 anggota yang mempunyai minat yang sama berjibaku trekking ke Baduy...uniknya...diantara kami belum pernah ada yang ketemu sebelumnya...bener-bener baru pertama kali kopdar.....(gaya anak muda sekarang...kenal cuma di milis....hebatnya internet yaa..!).
I've been wanting to visit a Baduy (Bedouin) village. Baduy tribe is a community of people living in rural Banten still maintain the customs and traditions since hundreds of years ago. They live depends only on the fully Nature, do not use modern equipments to simplify life. My dream looked like would come true when I saw someone at the Mailing List members who wrote a journey to the Baduy. I right away wrote  to author .... asking .... when is the next trip to Baduy again..? ... I'd like to join......( tried to talk as a close friend, infact I don't know anything about this person ... hehehehehe). Long story short .... the time was finally arrived. We went to the Baduy Village, there were about 20 members who have similar interests roll up the sleeves did  trek to Baduy... uniquely ... among us have never met anyone previously ... it's really cyber friends-meeting-in person .....( it's  the young style now in the 21st century known only in the mailing list, I think internet is great).

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Snow In Las Vegas

photo courtesy of Las Vegas Sun

Cuaca di Amerika benar benar aneh akhir akhir ini, salju turun di area yang jelas jelas tidak mempunyai 4 musim, seperti Los Angeles, California dan Las Vegas, Nevada. Di daerah negara bagian Nevada terutama adalah daerah 'gurun pasir'..yang temperaturnya selalu hangat.
Salju tipis turun di 'Las Vegas Valley' sejak hari minggu sore (tanggal 2 Januari) mulai jam 7 malam hingga Senin pagi
A white blanket of snow coated portions of the Las Vegas Valley this Monday morning (January 3rd), it caused headaches for some motorists in the western valley during their morning commutes.

McCarran International Airport reported light snow this morning with temperatures in the mid-30s and 0.01 inch of precipitation. No flight delays were reported as a result of the weather.

Di McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas dilaporkan salju tipis yang turun dan temperature sekitar 35F (sekitar 2 C).
(source:Las Vegas Sun)


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